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I just completed 8 years of service in the US Military. While serving I consistently strived for excellence, especially pertaining to physical fitness because that's where I stood out the most. I've always been the one getting the highest score or top performer, during every physical test or sports event. Playing a wide range of sports from volleyball, football, basketball, frisbee and american football. I'm always active, engaged in learning and pursuing winning everything I'm involved with. 


Now that I reside here in the Netherlands permanently, I'd like to share the wealth of knowledge learned over the period of time playing and competing at high levels. I'm an active player of the Maastricht Wildcats organization. I'd like to pursue and lead this team to a Championship Season.


I'll be coordinating bootcamps and training sessions, helping the community of people who would like to perform, see and feel better results within themselves! 


This is my next goal, what is yours?

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